Friday, January 24, 2020
milan music :: essays research papers
Objective description: The music is so abstract, it’s almost as if some people just got together randomly and decided to make some noise. It’s sometimes calming and sometimes stressful. It’s like a call and response music, one section makes a noise and the other sections respond accordingly with a similar sounding rhythm, very interesting to listen to. Steel drums, chimes, drums, drones, flutes, and some other instruments, not even sure what the names are. I have heard them before but do not know the name. There are different types of steel drums giving out different pitches and resonations. This music is just so abstract and unlike music today. No music I listen to can compare to this type of abstract material. The most prominent thing to me in this music is the rhythm. It’s not a mono rhythm; it’s more of an ever-changing rhythm which makes me try to pick up a new one every change of the call and response. I hear a very polyphony texture with man y different instruments playing at once or responding to each others calls. The piece does not use repetition as songs do today but the way they come back to the main rhythm is somewhat of a repeat. They just call out a rhythm and then someone tries to repeat it. This music is awkward to listen to at first but the second or third song I got really used to the abstract interactions the different instruments had with each other. Functional description: Gamelan music is a way of making social groups. Gamelan music is performed as a group effort, and so there is no place for an individual showoff. Traditionally, gamelan is only played at certain occasions such as ritual ceremonies, special community celebrations, shadow puppet shows, and for the royal family. Gamelan is also used to accompany dances in court, temple, and village rituals. Besides providing music for social functional ceremonies, gamelan also provides a livelihood for many professional musicians, and for specialized craftsmen who manufacture gamelan. I took a class at Sonoma and was somewhat familiar with this type or music but before that I had no prior experience with the music. The music grew on me over time and became less awkward. Its not something I would choose to listen to but it’s a good sense of what music around the world has to offer those of us in the United states that are not open-minded to other cultures music.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Patient and Professional Development Assignment Essay
There is considerable evidence that many of the new medical technologies are used inappropriately, to generate income. What patient protections against inappropriate diagnostic and other procedures should be considered? There is no doubt that the new diagnostic and therapeutic technology now available has vastly expanded the economic dimensions of medicine, there is evidence that new and expensive technologies are being used inappropriately to generate income. One example of this statement would be the use of magnetic resonance imaging or MRIs. The popularity of this testing has skyrocketed and has in turn been found to be very profitable for hospitals and outpatient facilities. Despite the swooping popularity and booming financial boost this testing has been found not to have changed patient outcomes. The testing gives providers a clear look at the disease or anatomy being scanned there are no controlled comparisons of diagnostic accuracy or changes in medical or therapeutic care for patients (Sultz and Young, 2011). Therefore this new and innovative testing only adds to the cost of the already terribly high dollar of health care. Physicians now have many choices to make and many opportunities to generate income through the use of these and many more new technologies both in the office and hospital settings. The issue is that medical indications for the use of much of the new technology are not precisely causing problems and susceptible influence by economic factors. The range of acceptable options in a given case is often wide enough to give the provider considerable latitude in his/her choice of procedures. It is in this gray zone that economic incentives have their greatest effect on medical behavior (Relman, 2011). I do not believe that providers make decisions based on economic consideration and outcome that they would not decide otherwise. I believe with all of my heart that for the most part providers do things the majority of the time to do right by the patient and the pocketbook. The problem is, however, â€Å"the right thing†is often a matter of opinion because many tests, procedures, and operations have not yet been fully evaluated or scientifically compared with other available measures for cost effectiveness. Is it possible though pressure of financial advantage often sways those good-hearted providers or is it simply to pacify or satisfy patients? To expand on pacification or satisfaction or patients I will use my area of expertise. I have worked in the area of women’s health most of my career so though I am sure there are other areas of specialty with patients such as ours I can only state from true experience that this is a very high-maintained population. This is a media savvy, device driven; patient population that often wants â€Å"drive-thru†service. The issues I see to often are the ordering of tests, labs, procedures that may be unnecessary or cause greater consequence. There are high-technology screenings for every atypical cell we could possibly have on a female reproductive organ. As soon as a pre-menopausal women with heavy bleeding hears that she may have a positive result she wants a hysterectomy. Though this may be the treatment for some, it is not for all a nd I see way too many women loose their uterus for reasons that were much more benign than the outcome. Being in healthcare for so many years I could give example after example of new high technology that may be used inappropriately for reasons that could be generating income, but done simply for the benefit of the patient and their satisfaction. Patient satisfaction brings a whole new topic of conversation to generating income. So how can we protect patients from potentially themselves or those that provide the ordering power that initiates this vicious cycle? I think first we have to mandate facilities and practices to put in place guidelines and protocols to stop unnecessary testing that has been shown not to change the patient outcome. Another intervention and protection to patients is that providers have to have conversations with patients honestly about what the issue is and that they do not need particular testing if asked for. They need to keep it real with patients. It is true that patient satisfaction is going to be at jeopardy and that they may want to jump providers, but providers and facilities will need to seriously look at the risk benefit of doing procedures that will not weigh up in a court of law or a court of public opinion. In spite of nursing’s vital importance to hospitals, nurses face excessive paperwork, managerial responsibilities, and supervision of lesser-trained aides  tasks that require an inordinate amount of time spent in functions other than direct patient care. These frustrations, combined with long work hours, stagnant salaries, and other difficulties, have resulted in fewer entrants to schools of nursing and increasing numbers of nurses leaving the profession. Discuss possible solutions to this growing problem. Do providers in the health care system recognize a broader social mission than addressing the needs of only those individuals who achieve access to their services? Elaborate. Relman, A. (2011). Cost control, doctors’ ethics, and patient care. Retrieved from
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Characteristics Of Southern Gothic Literature - 1337 Words
Southern Gothic literature dates back to the 19th century, with specific elements that portrayed the society. As Woodstock, Alabama and John is put together for Brian a contemporary piece of Southern Gothic Literature is created. The audience would benefit from listening to S-town because of the many valuable lessons that are taught. Certain elements provide the strongest makeup of Southern Gothic Literature, to give readers real life relations to the topic of the story. S-town is a contemporary piece of Southern Gothic literature because of its use of social issues, outsiders, and irony. One main characteristic of Southern Gothic Literature is its use of social issues. Southern Gothic writers explore the question of others morals and†¦show more content†¦John is not one to put someone down like that, but in the moment he had nothing but hatred for the man. Acceptance of others depending on their sexuality, race, and beliefs seemed to be a big controversy of the southern peoples. The reader will see this very explicitly explained throughout S-town, especially when talking about John himself. John mentions that he wanted to help what seemed to be a homeless lady, but was frowned upon because others believed she had done that to herself. S-town illustrates a number of social issues, some not as prevalent before as they are now, therefore readers get the feeling that their could be ways people could work around these issues. As you continue the podcast the audience will find that social issues is not the only element of Southern Gothic Literature shown. Outsiders are people who are outside of the norm in some way sometimes physically, sometimes mentally, and sometimes sexually. If someone has the qualities of someone that was gay, black, or Christian they would be considered outsiders. The outsiders in a story would usually be the push of the plot. â€Å"It wasnt the fact that he had been with men that he didnt want recorded, but that he had been with this particular guy,†Brian says this with great empathy for John. John was in an unfortunate situation in Woodstock. He is gay, and that was no secret, but he felt as if people viewed him differentlyShow MoreRelatedCharacteristics Of Southern Gothic Literature1694 Words  | 7 PagesJordan Cole English 1102 Professor Myszkowski 1 December 2017 Southern Gothic Literature Throughout the course of history, literature has gone through considerable changes. Dating back to its humble beginnings in folklore, fables, and storytelling all the way up to the scientific books and dramatic novels of today. Literature is arguably the centerpiece of all mankind. It is useful for record keeping, education, and bringing cultures and societies together. 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Gothicism in literature is something that forces you to think beyond the preternatural line between the supernatural and natural. Gothicism exposes the unspoken and deliberately forgotten, using dark language in what we are uncomfortable discussing. The two pieces of American literature Ligeia and The Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allan Poe are great examples of gothic literature. As a Gothic writer, Poe uses specific words and events which exhibitRead MoreMary Shelley and Flannery OConnor: Gothic Isolationists1724 Words  | 7 Pages Gothic fiction is a genre of literature that combines fiction, horror and Romanticism with a particular focus on the mysterious and supernatural aspects. Gothic fiction originated in England during the latter half of the 18th century. This distinctive genre of literature soon developed into a 19th century phenomenon. The success of this dominant genre in England is frequently attributed to Mary Shelley. Despite its success during this time period, gothic fiction ceased to be a dominant genre byRead MoreThe Genre of Southern Gothic in A Good Man Is Hard to Find Essay1347 Words  | 6 Pagestouch of Southern whimsy-you’ve cooked up a collection of American literature absolutely unique in time, place, and sentiment, Southern gothic.†Southern gothic comes from the genre of gothic fiction, and has some type of supernatural or unusual events in it. It is characterized as having a grotesque quality yet still having enough good in it to keep readers interested. 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